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Learn how businesses improve security and automate access control operations with Apono

Openweb minimizes the attack surface by reducing over privileges while saving time by removing the need for manual provisioning tasks

Before we had Apono, developers who needed access to fix something in production or look into a database, they actually had to connect with the DevOps team to get permissions. It might take time because the team is busy, so in certain cases they actually got more privileges than needed

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Yaron Blachman

CTO & CISO @ OpenWeb

Rho operates in a market that is strongly regulated, and they were looking for a solution to help them meet access control requirements. They also needed a solution that could seamlessly integrate with their existing environments.

Unfortunately, access controls offered by cloud providers today are often lacking in some areas, especially in ease of use, maintenance, burden, and lack of proper temporal support.

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Ivan Ivic

DevOps Team Lead

Bigpanda tightens security measures and adds automated access request workflows to reduce friction and save time

We wanted the ability to control how users get access to data and who approves it. We also wanted access to be temporary on demand, tracked, and automatically revoked.

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Nivi Mor

DevOps Engineer @ BigPanda

Cybereason was able to save hours of manual work each week and achieve a more secure environment

Apono generates temporary permissions upon request based on a very granular set of rules, delivering huge value by reducing the attack surface while optimizing efficiency

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Roy Ido

Security Engineering Manager @ Cybereason

The EverC DevOps team was able to gain back hours to their days

Apono solves the extra overhead of managing all aspects of users permissions, saving my team a ton of time and allowed them to self-manage their own permissions with the Apono slackbot

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Avi Edri

DevOps Engineer @ EverC

HPE was able to streamline access management at a multi-cloud scale

We were able to self service Apono in minutes, helping earn customer trust in our global multi-cloud platform, while allowing our teams to work frictionlessly and maintaining a least-privileges cloud environment.

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Nokky Goren

Dir. Cloud and Solutions

Cervello is now able to give the right access to databases faster and more securely

Apono has positively impacted our daily operations. We now easily manage and monitor access to our cloud-based systems, which has improved our security and ensured compliance satisfaction

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Zion Rubin

R&D Group Leader @Cervello

A leading cybersecurity company was able to fully build a SaaS product while adhering to strict customer data security requirements.

We’re looking for a way to automate manual provisioning of permissions to only specific customers, and internal developer permissions. Also to automate SREs’ permissions to AWS RDS databases and other production resources when an incident occurs.

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Cybersecurity leader


A leading HR company was able to stay compliant with existing contracts and close more deals by automatically satisfying customer security requirements

We rely heavily on MongoDB in our production environment. Managing access to it has proven to be a challenge to say the least. Our internal solution had its glory days but was unable to meet our welcomed growth.

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DevOps Team Lead

A leading HealthTech company was able to stay compliant with strict regulations while enabling their developer teams